

       - June 19, 2012 : MSAT-7 Photo gallery
       - June 18, 2012 :
Download Final Technical Program (PDF) (Brochure)
       - May 11, 2012 : Seminar on Advances and Technologies in Aluminum Casting 
       - January 13, 2012 : MSAT-7 has been rescheduled from June 4-5 to June 7-8, 2012. We apologize for any inconvenience this change of dates may have caused. 


technical program n

       - Manuscripts Submission Cover (May 29) [KEM] [JMMM] (New)  
Biography Form for Oral Presenter [Ms-Word] 
       - Booth Exhibition Reservation Form (April 3)
Hotel Reservation Form (March 12)
Revised First Announcement and Call for Papers (January 13)


    MSAT is a biennial event recognized as one of the major series of conference in materials science, technology & engineering. The aim of the conferences is to serve as a forum for participants from academia, government agencies and industry to report on research and development results, to interact, and to identify opportunities for cooperation in the fields of materials science, technology & engineering.


The language of the conference is English and all presentations will be made in English.

Conference Format

Plenary, keynote & invited lectures, general and special symposia are planned which will provide participants with the opportunity to discuss and explore advances in materials science, technology and engineering.