The prototype of a 12-meter single-decker bus structure according to the United Nation Regulation No.66 (UN R66)


Research background

The Department of Land Transport has adopted a policy that the bus structures with a height of 3.60 meters or more must pass the rollover test conforming to the UN R66. However, most of the bus manufacturers in Thailand are still lacking such engineering knowledge on bus structure design. In response to this situation, the Department of Land Transport has placed importance on the study of design and development of the bus structures which are in compliance with the relevant international standards. This output of study could act as a guideline for domestic manufacturers to follow and adapt their design of bus structure for approval of registration from the Department of Land Transport. This aforementioned approach has a role to play in raising the country’s automotive engineering standards for large vehicles in use.

Research objectives

To analyse and redesign the 12-meter bus structures with a height of 3.60 meters or more with its structural strength satisfying rollover test (UN R66). The most critical aspect was that no deformed structural parts intrude into residual space during the rollover test.

What does the research team do?

1. Finite Element Analysis to predict the deformation behavior of the bus structures for the rollover test according to the UN R66.
2. Validation of the analytical method employed and redesign for improved structural integrity.
3. Actual rollover test of the prototype.

The analysis results of the bus structure with gross vehicle weight of 16.5 tons at the moment of maximum deformation.
The detailed design of a 12-meter bus structure obtained from this research.

Research results

  • A design prototype fo bus structure that pass the rollover test by the Department of Land Transport.
  • Engineering drawings of the the design prototype.
  • Technical manuals on manufacturing, inspection of the bus structure.

Research status

The research has been completed.


The research team plans to improve the design of bus structure using lightweight materials while maintaining conformity to the UN R66 standards, investigate optimal modern manufacturing processes to strengthen lightweight structures, and encourage an inclusion of computer aided engineering (CAE) as part of the approval process for bus structures by the Department of Land Transport.

Research team

Dr. Chi-na Benyajati, Mr. Piyapong Premvaranon, Mr. Jenwit Soparat, Miss Piyamabhorn Uttamung, Mr. Apichart Teralapsuwan, Mr. Wuttipong Sritham, Mr. Papan Panyavan, Mr. Pasayapurin Promprapai, Dr. Sarawut Lerspalungsanti, Dr. Chadchai Srisurangkul, and Mr. Setthaluth Pangkreung


Dr. Chi-na Benyajati (Senior Researcher)
Lightweight Engineering Research Team
Engineering Design and Computation Research Group
Tel. +66 2564 6500 ext. 4382